Dr.Wael Abdallah

Opening Hours : Saturday to Thursday 10am to 8pm
  Contact : Hotline: 97606764 Mobile: 90044184

Brown spots, Freckles & Acne

Brown spots
There are different types of brown spots; Melasma, Chloasma, Age Spots, post Inflammatory Hyper-pigmentation. treatment options of pigmented skin lesions include the Nd:YAG laser, PRP, threads, mesotherapy & medical treatment.

Dr. Wael Clinic providing you the latest technology of Nd YAG laser, that can treat freckles by 2 to 3 sessions

Nd YAG laser is efficient and safe in permanently solving problems of acne and acne complications. Laser beam has an anti-inflammatory and regenerative influence so it calms the infection and simultaneously initiates the reparation of the dermis structure so that, apart from curing acne, fresh scars and small blemishes are eliminated & much better complexion is achieved.